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went ashore. I sent a [[red underlined]] box of grapefruit [[/red underlined]] and oranges to Cornelia and to [[red underlined]] Nina [[/red underlined]]
Jan 17. Went out 8 [[underlined]] 00 [[/underlined]] AM into the Ocean thru the cut. Rather windy SE went over Kingfishing banks A large number of fishing boats there then went southwest back via Cape Florida. Anchored there took a swim and went wading over flats at low tide. After a hurried lunch went west want to anchor near [[red underlined]] Elliots Beach. [[/red underlined]] where I got some fresh Coconuts. Strong Western breeze. Good shelter. Magnificent sunset.
Jan 18 (Sunday) Northern blowing Spent morning scraping varnish of mahogany in my cabin
[[vertical notation in red in left margin]] Cygnet [[/left margin]]
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and fixing things and cleaning everything in my cabin. At 12. lunch of canned goulash and boiled potatoes - excellent Then went to [[red underlined]] Soldier's key [[/red underlined]] Probably no mosquitoes there all mangroves cleared. Channel rather [[strikethrough]] tortu [[/strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] sinuous [[/strikethrough]] crooked. Left there then went to Fourth of [[red underlined]] Ragged keys where some building up is going on. A steam dredge. - They tell me the [[red underlined]] Goodrich [[/red underlined]] family is doing this. Approaches rather difficult. - shoals outside of there 6 feet. then went thru small cut towards Sand's key. Attempt to Sand Cut at low tide landed bottom once. Channel
[[vertical notation in red in left margin]] Cygnet [[/left margin]]