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quite difficult.
Returning got stranded but got off by kedging from stern. [[red underline]] Got angry at Lewis not obeying my orders. [[/red underline]] Anchored in excellent anchorage protected by shoals from Rugged keys and by Sand key. [[red underline]] A houseboat schooner [[/red underline]] anchored nearby of [[red underline]] Hopkins school. About a dozen lusty young boys swimming and rowing. Ate [[red underline]] Nina's [[/red underline]] wedding cake for supper and wrote a letter to [[red underline]] George Roll [[/red underline]]
[[red underline]] Cygnet [[/red underline]] begins to be in shape, [[red underline]] clean and comfortable and in a very few days I shall have to leave her again. [[/red underline]]
[[left margin in red]] Cygnet [[/left margin]]
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[[start page]]
[[red underline]] Such is life. - By the time the poor devil begins to know something he is so old that he is already half dead and ready for the grave [[/red underline]] and in the mean time [[red underline]] the coming generation has no use for advice and prefers to burn its own fingers and start all over again the same [[strikethrough]] seeks [[/strikethrough]] mistakes. The wise man profits by mistakes of others, the ordinary man profits by his own mistakes the fool profits neither by his own mistakes nor by those of others. [[/red underline]] 
Barometer goes down (8:30PM to 30.3. and wind seems to shift to E
Jan.19. Bright sunny morning