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[[margin, red pencil, written vertically]] Callao Peru [[/margin, red pencil, written vertically]]
prizes for the different games and dancing on the middle deck A cheerful company.
Feb 11. Same calm mild weather and light SE winds. Evening special dinner or Captain's dinner in honor of [[underlined in red]] Lincoln's Birthday. [[/underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] anchor before [[underlined in red]] Callao [[/underlined in red]] after I had gone to bed
Feb 12. A barren mountain on island nearby. Right and left ships at anchor in the open sea. Quite a number of sail ships of every kind. Am told some of them are [[underlined in red]] still interned ships of the Germans [[/underlined in red]] A small british cruiser the Yarmouth, nearby, and two Peruvian war ships, some other passenger ships. [[strikethrough]] then liv [[/strikethrough]] After visit of the port physician, passenger
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leave in small gasolene launches run by Peruvians. Ship is invaded by swarthy looking agents for these little launches which take passengers to [[underlined in red]] Callao. [[/underlined in red]] Friends and parents of passengers debarking etc. The clouds hanging over the mountain and the landscape soon disperse when the sun gets higher. [[underlined in red]] Warm but not unpleasant at all. [[/underlined in red]] Most people are dressed in [[underlined in red]] woolen clothes [[/underlined in red]] others in light cotton or pongee silk. I am told it [[underlined in red]] never rains here. [[/underlined in red]] Below on the flat base on which [[underlined in red]] Callao [[/underlined in red]] is built I see as in contrast [[strikethrough]] fr [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] green fields [[/underlined in red]] and trees produced by [[underlined in red]] irrigation [[/underlined in red]] The first green I have since since leaving Panama Water is calm and seems to be so most of the time because some of the tugs and launches have very little fin - board