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[[margin, red pencil, written vertically]] Lima [[/margin, red pencil, written vertically]]
a hurried visit to the beautiful gardens and to have a look about sunset to the [[underlined in red]] Zoological Garden [[/underlined in red]] behind. 
A most excellent dinner well served and not expensive as compared to New York Prices as the Exposicion Restaurant when I met many of the passengers of the [[underlined in red]] Santa Luisa. [[/underlined in red]] I joined a party that wanted to drive back by motor to the ship [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] They took us over a 3 hours drive over mountains and outlying residence districts on a wild drive. Then near the sea shore residence district. I notice some beautiful and cheerful modern houses well
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[[margin, red pencil, written vertically]] Peru [[/margin, red pencil, written vertically]] 
lighted by electricity and very well situated and which indicate comfort and good taste. 
At [[underlined in red]] Callao [[/underlined in red]] the waiting launch of the ship put is aboard about mid-night. Unloading of merchandise with all the usual noise is going on.
Feb 13. [[underlined in red]] Ship still unloading heavy machinery. [[/underlined in red]] Everybody is impressed with [[underlined in red]] careless [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] rude way all merchandise is handled [[/underlined in red]] Cases are smashed and piled without order, heavy pieces of machinery crushing too light boxes below etc. 
Some heavy castings of some sugar machinery for Grace and Co (owners of this line) are smashed by careless handling. of [[underlined in red]] the stupid negroes [[/underlined in red]] or [[underlined in red]] Peruvians [[/underlined in red]] handling the winches with which the goods are