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rowboats. [[red underline]] A continuous smell of Guano [[/red underline]] in our nostrils [[red underline]] Picked up a few more fleas in my socks. [[/red underline]] Far up in the and mountain direct one sees a row of water tanks the [[red underline]] only supply of water for the town. [[/red underline]] The town has nothing of the picturesqueness of adobe or cement or brick. Is [[red underline]] dirtier than our many towns and [[/red underline]] lacks the impression of an old spanish or tropical town A [[red underline]] dreary nest [[/red underline]] only kept up [[red underline]] because it happens to be a harbor for the mines and "salike" (Saltpeter) The rawest place I ever saw. It never rains. [[/red underline]] the sun shines hot but in the shadow it feels cool.
They tell me that [[red underline]] Iquique seems a feast to those young men who are employed [[/red underline]]
[[left margin in red]] Iquique - Chile [[/left margin]]
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in [[red underline]] the nitrate officinas in [[/red underline]] the Pampas!
We lifted anchor about 1 P.M to the great satisfaction of everybody
Feb. 16 or 17?
Arrived early at [[strikethrough]] Antofogo [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Antofagasta. [[/red underline]] Same sombre barren mountains. and ship anchored in a [[red underline]] much exposed harbor. [[/red underline]] Rowboats taking us ashore, [[red underline]] swell stronger than any of the former places and getting in or [[red underline]] out is no easy task [[/red underline]] and it its best exposes to [[red underline]] wet ones foot or leg. [[/red underline]]
They tell me there is [[red underline]] a much better [[/red underline]] possible harbor just [[red underline]] north beyond [[/red underline]] the mountain [[red underline]] but local real estate interest [[/red underline]] succeeded in preventing developing it and have obtained legislation insuring the expenditure of large amounts of money for expensive
[[left margin in red]] Antofagasta - Chile [[/left margin]]