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[[red underline]] With Summer in February [[/red underline]] etc. one gets by and by accustomed to think [[red underline]] on a new [[strikethrough]] terms [[/strikethrough]] geographical standard. [[/red underline]] To night Mr [[red underline]] Roy Howard [[/red underline]] President of U.S. news association or a news agency of some similar name tells me that the [[red underline]] Agence Havas of Paris for many years before the war has systematically distributed unfavorable and unfair news about the U.S [[/red underline]] in the Southern Republics. the sea is no longer so smooth as it was and the vessel is pitching somewhat and the sky looks cloudy
Feb. 18. This is the [[red underline]] last day before [[/red underline]] arrival. Sky is gray and it feels [[red underline]] decidedly cooler [[/red underline]] but we still sleep with cabin windows open.
Last night was the first night
[[left margin in red]] Chile [[/left margin]]
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I used my light woolen blanket we are approaching [[red underline]] climates [[/red underline]] more similar to [[red underline]] ours of the North. [[/red underline]] Sun breaks out later on but [[strikethrough]] So [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] strong Southerly cool [[/red underline]] wind keeps us pitching. Yesterday I saw the [[red underline]] Southern Cross [[/red underline]] it is very visible to night too This Afternoon devoted to packing 
Feb 19. This is our [[red underline]] day of arrival [[/red underline]] Same heavy ground swells but no wind. About noon arrived at [[red underline]] Valparaiso [[/red underline]] Hills on shore not so high as the mountainous coast of former days and some patches of green [[strikethrough]] plus [[/strikethrough]] (small pines etc?) City is laid out as on an amphitheater, most of houses and business houses below then higher up on the hills by spots some groups of houses or residences. [[red underline]] Temperature is very moderate [[/red underline]] and this as well as general aspect [[red underline]] reminds [[/red underline]]
[[left margin in red]] Valparaiso. [[/left margin]]