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of [[red underline]] San Francisco. [[/red underline]] Cursory and purely formal examination of health. officer and passports. [[red underline]] Same scramble of low boats [[/red underline]] and porters as on other ports. to try to get hold of passengers baggage. With this difference that at soon as the signal was given to get aboard, [[red underline]] everyone one of them [[strikethrough]] met [[/strikethrough]] made a wild scramble to the boarding stairs, walking [[/red underline]] from one boat to another as if they were walking on so many plants on land, a [[red underline]] haranguing vociferating mass of yellowy humanity clinging on the [[/red underline]] guide chains of the boarding stairs each [[red underline]] one of the swarthy looking [[strikethrough]] de [[/strikethrough]] unkempt [[?]] trying to get there first to exploit his passenger. [[/red underline]] This system [[strikethrough]] is very [[/strikethrough]] of landing by small rowboats is
[[left margin in red]] Valparaiso [[/left margin]]
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[[red underline]] very unpleasant and often dangerous specially in bad [[/red underline]] weather and exposes one of getting wet, or [[red underline]] falling in the water [[/red underline]] or of having his baggage wet or even falling over board. It would be much simpler to use large boats or to transfer the baggage in a lighter. but [[red underline]] I am told that none of the companies [[/red underline]] dares brave the [[red underline]] ill will of the boatmen [[/red underline]] of the port. I got one of the first boats they took my steam trunk and three valises aboard and rowed me ashore to take my baggage to the near by [[red underline]] customhouse where a rapid examination [[/red underline]] was made then they took trunk and valises on their head or shoulders to the [[red underline]] Hotel Royal [[/red underline]] about 15 minutes walk.
[[red underline]] Grace and Co [[/red underline]] have a very
[[left margin in red]] Valparaiso [[/left margin]]