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[[margin, red pencil, written vertically]] Valparaiso [[/margin, red pencil, written vertically]]
who is at the head of the [[underlined in red]] Nitrate department. [[/underlined in red]] We discussed nitrate situation. He seems to think [[strikethrough]] synthetic [[/strikethrough]] natural nitrate can compete with the synthetic product. Afterwards they took me to the Union Club for lunch, a pleasant little club with excellent selection of every kind of food. Later on I went for a stroll thru the city finally got up on one of the Ascensores which bring you to the steep upper part near the wharf I thus entered a [[underlined in red]] poor quarter [[/underlined in red]] of the city of [[underlined in red]] totally unexpected dust and squalor not outdone by the worst Mexican hovels [[/underlined in red]] I ever saw. [[underlined in red]] Poverty, neglect and repulsive dirt seem to reign supreme here. [[/underlined in red]] The only thing which mitigates
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in favor is the [[underlined in red]] marvelous dry and comfortable climate [[/underlined in red]] But one would never expect such careless dirty quarters [[underlined in red]] after being so favorably impressed with the general orderly and clean appearance of the lower town. [[/underlined in red]] Went riding in the upper part of electric cars. for which I paid only five centavos, equivalent at present to [[underlined in red]] one cent [[/underlined in red]] of our money! The first class below pays ten centavos. I cannot see how they can make expenses. Evening went for supper at the Tracadero Restaurant, a place in the business district To bed early. Mr. Morrow [[underlined in red]] has left so I have my room [[/underlined in red]] alone.
Feb 21. I can hardly imagine that I have left home only [[underlined in red]] 22 days ago. what a succession