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[[margin, red pencil, written vertically]] Valparaiso [[/margin, red pencil, written vertically]]
decidedly lighter [[underlined in red]] and still made of wood. [[/underlined in red]] Roadbed seems good. Temperature is so pleasant that corridor remains closed hence there is little or no dust. 
Train follows the shore I note two [[underlined in red]] German ships beached on the rocks [[/underlined in red]] near [[underlined in red]] Valparaiso [[/underlined in red]] then Miramar and Vina del Mar etc. then train follows a dry stream with here and there a trickle of water covered with greenish scum. Houses of here and there a scarce settlement. are of the [[underlined in red]] simplest [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] most squalid [[/underlined in red]] construction. Even in the best [[underlined in red]] corrugated roofs [[/underlined in red]] are the [[underlined in red]] dominating [[/underlined in red]] element 
Soil seems dried out and the main growth is mesquite trees similar as in Mexico or New Mexico. Eucalyptus
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appear here and there Then [[underlined in red]] vineyards [[/underlined in red]] which seem to be irrigated and look very green and healthy, even some time similar to our Northern [[underlined in red]] Pines but smaller in growth, [[/underlined in red]] then [[underlined in red]] irrigation ditches [[/underlined in red]] become more apparent and cornfields, walnut trees and other growth begin to remind of [[underlined in red]] California [[/underlined in red]] in the "brown season". Finally the [[underlined in red]] sight of rushing fresh water [[/underlined in red]] which I [[underlined in red]] had almost forgotten [[/underlined in red]] indicates greater fertility. It first rushes in wide [[underlined in red]] irrigation ditches, [[/underlined in red]] further in good volume along several sanufied branches along the flat river bed, which is [[strikethrough]] only wet he [[/strikethrough]] dry here and there and which probably fills [[strikethrough]] only during [[/strikethrough]] entirely during rainy season.