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[[left margin in red]] Chile [[/left margin]]
[[red underline]] fast ways of doing business [[/red underline]] their abruptness and frequently their lack of manners and [[red underline]] elimentary amenities of life [[/red underline]] makes a contrast to that of [[red underline]] Britishers [[/red underline]] and other [[red underline]] foreigners [[/red underline]] This has been repeated to me by [[red underline]] Britishers [[/red underline]] by [[red underline]] Belgians [[/red underline]] by [[red underline]] Chileans [[/red underline]] and by [[red underline]] Americans [[/red underline]] themselves. I should not wonder if the sentiment were [[red underline]] cleverly exploited by Britisher and other foreign business men [[/red underline]].
During the war Chile was compelled to buy from U.S even to day. But they seem [[red underline]] eager to be able to drop [[/red underline]] their American supplies [[/red underline]] as soon as they can get the same [[red underline]] from their other sources [[/red underline]]. Nevertheless the [[red underline]] war seems [[/red underline]] to have [[red underline]] given a solid  foot. hold to American products and only gross blundering [[/red underline]]   [[end page]]
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[[left margin in red]] Chile [[/left margin]]
and [[red underline]] absolute further lack of acceptable business methods [[/red underline]] could [[red underline]] kill off entirely these new markets [[/red underline]] for Americans. The fact remains that there is an [[red underline]] altogether different [[/red underline]] way of [[red underline]] doing things or looking at things in the U.S and here.[[/red underline]] These countries are much [[red underline]] more similar [[/red underline]] to old Europe. in habits, in taste in ways of living and in thought and the U.S ways of looking at things seem hard to understand to them.  Hence they naturally get [[red underline]] along better with Europeans. Diaz [[/red underline]] took me to the "Cercle' or Club.  Very comfortable building well patronized. very similar to one of our [[red underline]] own best clubs [[/red underline]]
It occurred to me that the General appearance and behavior of the men there is [[red underline]] very similar to that of our very best clubs. [[/red underline]]  I was astounded to see that most of these chileans