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Mendoza [[/vertical annotation]]
and about 6 foot high. Just big enough to receive a cylindrical basket containing the cakes. They are all connected with [[strikethrough]] a cross [[/strikethrough]] ^[[one]] a condenser and this allows continuity of charging and discharging. The [[red underscore]] brandy [[/red underscore]] thus obtained is called [[red underline]] "Grappa".? [[/red underline]]
My coachman tells me the [[red underline]] vineyards sell for 17000 pesos per hectare [[/red underline]] planted with vines - without they can be bought for about [[red underline]] 2000 pesos. [[/red underline]]
Left at 1 P.M. by paying [[red underline]] 35 pesos [[/red underline]] ^[[additional]] insured a compartment all to myself. [[red underline]] Sleeping cars are wider [[/red underline]] than
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ours and [[red underline]] dining car is very comfortable [[/red underline]] but sleeping compartments are inferior and not too clean. [[red underline]] One little towel [[/red underline]] of doubtful whiteness is grudgingly given 
The fat italian-looking [[strikethrough]] gu [[/strikethrough]] white guard, spends his day [[red underline]] sitting in the corner of the car smoking cigarettes [[/red underline]] Very [[red underline]] dusty stretches, [[/red underline]] now and then. Environs of the town some pretty villas. Railroad bed is well kept. [[red underline]] Vineyards, and fruit trees abound everywhere. Fig trees, [[/red underline]] peach trees and pears almonds, weeping willow trees. Plantains (sycamores) lombardy poplars and Carolina poplars. Mules and horses and [[red underline]] cattle [[/red underline]] all look well