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or cafes closed. As orderly and quiet as an election day in New York. [[red underline]] No disorder nor disturbances. At 6-7 P.M. streets begin to get more animated and Restaurants open and music starts
March 8 (Monday) Made a stroll thru the city. it has rained and thundered last night but it still feels sultry Lost my way several times in this large city where so many streets resemble each other
[[strikethrough]] March 9. Went directly [[/strikethrough]]
Went to [[red underline]] Grace and Co [[/red underline]](Mr. [[red underline]] Valverde [[/red underline]] Manager found a long cablegram from [[red underline]] DeMuth [[/red underline]]
[[left margin in red]] Buenos Aires [[/left margin]]
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but unable to understand it as it is in code nobody knows here. Also a letter from [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] Feb 5. telling of [[red underline]] snow storm [[/red underline]] on that day. This is the first news from home since I left.
March 9. Went early to the American [[red underline]] Embassador Mr Frederic Jessup Stinson [[/red underline]] formerly [[red underline]] Professor International Law Harvard. The American Ambassy [[/red underline]] is a plain but neat and businesslike looking building well situated near San Martin Park. He gave me several cards of introduction to several men who could help me in my work. Tells me the [[red underline]] Universities here are a rather close clique. [[/red underline]]