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account of their carelessness or unbusinesslike methods.  Promised to write me a few lines on the subject.  The weather is hot and sultry yet every one wears dark and heavy clothes here. [[red underscore]] I began to get rather tired of the town. [[/red underscore]] On coming back to the hotel I found the card of [[red underscore]] Ambassador Simpson [[/red underscore]]

March 10. Lost most of the day trying to meet people who were not in.  With the enormous distances and the [[red underscore]] chauffeurs strike and cab-drivers [[/red underscore]] having it all their own way it is not easy to get about.  This afternoon walked around the docks and the shore of the [[red underscore]] Rio de 
[[vertical notation in red in left margin]] Buenos Aires [[/left margin]] 
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la Plata. [[/red underscore]] The latter is a [[red underscore]] muddy wide sheet of water [[strikethrough]] sto. [[/strikethrough]] [[/red underscore]] No sight of the other shore.  Channel quite off shore and numerous ships.  An excellent system of docks [[strikethrough]] intermingled [[/strikethrough]] provided with all modern devices for promptly unloading ships.  Numerous ships of all nations are in these docks.  I note with pleasure [[red underscore]] several american ships [[/red underscore]] Along the shore a park and walk and swimming baths [[strikethrough]] al [[/strikethrough]] and small restaurants.  Notice a [[red underscore]] policeman [[/red underscore]] wearing on his sleeve [[red underscore]] several cellulous [[strips?]]. [[/red underscore]]. The- [[red underscore]] spreck Hollandish I speak English. Je parle francais  etc. even Flemish. [[/red underscore]] Coming back very tired