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I am gladdened by a cablegram from [[red underscore]] Celine "All well". [[/red underscore]] 
March 11. Another sultry day the wind blowing from the north. [[red underscore]] People [[/red underscore]] are [[red underscore]] foolish enough here to dress in dark clothes just as they dress in London [[/red underscore]] or Paris. I am told [[red underscore]] light white suits [[/red underscore]] are [[red underscore]] not "comme il faut". [[/red underscore]] Others attribute it to the [[red underscore]] changeability of the weather [[/red underscore]] 
Met [[red underscore]] Gordon [[/red underscore]] who is at the head of the Columbia Gramophone here and other importing business. Was formerly in the teaching staff of Cornell He tells me that the tales of [[red underscore]] improper packing, unsuitable business methods [[/red underscore]] etc. of [[red underscore]] American importers are much exaggerated [[/red underscore]] and 
[[left margin in red]] Buenos Aires [[/left margin]] 
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are [[red underscore]] systematically fed and exploited by business competitors of other countries. [[/red underscore]] He says that [[red underscore]] American Chamber of Commerce [[/red underscore]] has an arbitration board and that of all the errors submitted to it lately [[red underscore]] only one was found [[/red underscore]] to be [[red underscore]] decided against the importer. [[/red underscore]] That the [[red underscore]] American films [[/red underscore]] which [[red underscore]] have become so popular since the war stopped importation of European films [[/red underscore]] has brought about the fact that [[red underscore]] people here have become better acquainted with conditions social [[/red underscore]] and otherwise [[red underscore]] in the U.S [[/red underscore]] and that even with their exaggerated and sometimes unfavorable scenario they give a fairer comprehension to the average Argentinian of the U.S than [[red underscore]] what he used to imagine [[/red underscore]]