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berg the probable new President or head.
The socialists are said to retaliate with threat of a general strike. [[red underline]] Is all this camouflage [[/red underline]] or is this another symptom that [[red underline]] the German People are unfit to govern themselves and dearly love to be dominated by bosses? who treat them as servants. [[/red underline]] Took train to [[red underline]] "El Tigre" [[/red underline]] Good comfortable train wider than ours and more pleasant. A short trip of about one hour. Pretty villas here and there interspersed with small truck farms and shanties reminding of the environs of New York or other American cities. It had rained and the [[red underline]] roads [[/red underline]]
[[left margin in red]] Buenos Aires [[/red underline]]

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which ordinarily are straight streets of soft dust, now are [[red underline]] simply [[/red underline]] a [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] paste of soft mud.  No wonder one sees no automobiles.  Nothing but a man on horseback [[strikethrough]] gav [[/strikethrough]] can get thru them.  The little stations are neat and well kept and businesslike nothing shabby.  At [[red underline]] Tigre [[/red underline]] which is end station found a neat small restaurant belonging to Railway Co, where had lunch in open air in company with couples or family parties who came for boating. [[red underline]] Tigre is a Delta [[/red underline]] with many [[ramifications?]] varying from 150 to 50 feet more or less wide, [[red underline]] brown muddy water. [[/red underline]] reminds of the water of the Tiber in Rome.  Little Islands look green and cheerful with their weeping willow tree branches hanging over the

Transcription Notes:
Previous page ends with Hinden-