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boats.  A number of small launches who going full speed are quite a disturbance for rowing boats.  The whole scene reminds much of "Les Canotiers de la Seine" [[red underline]] Ideal place for rowboats or for sheltering [[/red underline]] yachts.  The boatman who rows me and is an Italian who formerly was a sailor and speaks a few words of English tells me the [[red underline]] water rises [[/red underline]] and falls. [[red underline]] 4 and 6 feet [[/red underline]] and sometimes everything is flooded.  This is probably why some of the houses are built on stilts.  The hotel Tigre, run by the same management as the Plaza Hotel seems to be the fashionable place
[[left margin in red]] Buenos Aires - El Tigre [[/left margin]]

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to come to. where everybody comes to take tea at 4-5 P.M.
I notice that ^[[some small]] farmers here produce a splendid variety of [[red underline]] quinces. [[/red underline]] The shores of the water are an alternation of small bamboo and weeping willows.  I noticed [[red underline]] no mosquitoes, [[/red underline]] altho' this seems to be exactly the place where one would expect to find them.
March 15. To day nice bright and pleasant temperature. Visited [[red underline]] American Chamber of Commerce. [[/red underline]] Secretary is [[red underline]] M. T. Meadows. [[/red underline]] business like looking young Tennessean. who has lived here several years and has become entirely identified with the country, is engaged to the daughter of one of the very oldest families here. Tells me [[red underline]] about strict rules of Chamber of Com. [[/red underline]]