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[[left margin in red]] Uruguay [[margin]]
[[red underline]] negroes [[/red underline]] as we approach the [[red underline]] Brasilian border [[/red underline]] I have noticed also in [[red underline]] Uruguay that mostly all the police are downright negroes or colored. Why? [[/red underline]] The weather is splendid I notice in the train some [[red underline]] Germans of Brazil. [[/red underline]] They all seem to speak rather bad German and have [[strikethrough]] lost the [[/strikethrough]] most of them have lost the outright look of Germans and look more like Americans, specially the young ones. All [[red underline]] seem to prefer talk Brazilian [[/red underline]] 
[[strikethrough]] Before Rivera see arrive at [[/strikethrough]] lawyer of Montevideo [[red underline]] Don Pedro? [[/red underline]] (See his card) begins to talk to me [[red underline]] in French,[[/red underline]] rather limited French.
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[[left margin in red]] Uruguay [[margin]]
and tells he is of Basque descent and fought in the revolution and his ancestors fought [[red underline]] here too and Basques [[/red underline]] are the best ones; gallegos, portuguese, or Italians and Germans n.g. that all good people are "blancos" and all the canaille are "colorados" etc.
As we approach Rivera the country becomes more hilly and trees begin to show. Then at [[red underline]] Santa Anna ^[[Anna]] [[/red underline]] the train stops at about 2 P.M. much late. Here we have to transfer to narrow gauge train which [[strikethrough]] arrive [[/strikethrough]] ^[[leaves]] only at 6:00. A lot of [[red underline]] impudent negro boys [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] more cho [[/strikethrough]] or children [[red underline]] handling the baggage [[/red underline]] in a rather disorderly way and never satisfied however high the tip they