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At the stations I hear [[red underline]] more and more bad German spoken. We arrive at Santa Maria [[/red underline]] about two hours late There are [[red underline]] 19 cases of bubonic plague [[/red underline]] in town mild cases a certain [[red underline]] Dr. Henderson [[/red underline]] (who is the surgeon here) tells us Henderson altho he got his degree in [[red underline]] Philadelphia [[strikethrough]] tells [[/strikethrough]] speaks English as an Italian would. [[red underline]] A stout slovenly looking thick set man. who seems much satisfied with himself. [[/red underline]] [[2 red !! in left margin]] Says he is making fortunes here [[red underline]] 50000 to 100000 Dollar [[/red underline]] gold a year. [[red underline]] No other surgeon within 200 miles [[/red underline]] etc. Says this is the place for a young american physician or a [[red underline]] american dentist [[/red underline]]
[[left margin in red]] Brazil [[/left margin]]
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as there is nobody to go to He drove us to his house in which he seems to take great pride. [[red underline]] speaks very authorastically about the country and the people [[/red underline]] Near station on returning saw a group of [[red underline]] gauchos sitting around a fire which [[/red underline]] they had built over some stones near station. An old timer, dark skinned dark eyed, rather heavily built, with his broad brimmed felt hat, sitting in the posture of a king on a throne [[red underline]] his poncho [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] draper [[/strikethrough]] draped picturesquely around him a large pointed machete in his hand with which he was slicing bits of meat of a chunk of fresh meat which they were frying over the fire. This and [[red underline]] mate' [[/red underline]] seemed