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Brazil [[/vertical annotation]]
and about 20" - to 24" long often elaborately worked in.
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Changed $10.00 gold in a little shack which was a branch of the Bancos Pelolem and got 337 Mil Reis for it, or [[red underline]] 1$ = 3.37 Milreis, [[/red underline]] or about 27½ cents american per Milreis. For [[red underline]] a small can of sardines + one small loaf of bread + one bottle (1 liter) of beer was charged 3 Mil. [[/red underline]] at the station restaurant. Men seem to spend all surplus cash on clothes if they have any. [[strikethrough]] Saw [[/strikethrough]] Men with big sombreros carrying revolvers in their belt Met a young man who is the Asͭt superintendent of one of the warehouses of [[red underline]] Singer [[/red underline]] Machine Co. [[strikethrough]] Saw splendid new Royal typewriters [[/strikethrough]] He is from [[red underline]] Beiruth Syria [[/red underline]] where his father was Italian consul
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he spoke some French besides Syrian, Italian, Turkish and Arabic. Carried a [[strikethrough]] lett [[/strikethrough]] postal card from New York with Singer building on it written in Syrian. Says left from Genoa, hither, and wants to visit the U.S. Learned French in Beiruth where there is an [[red underline]] American School [[/red underline]]. 
Little chained monkey in house called Hotel is very tame and friendly expert catcher of flies, which it catches with its hands and then eats dexterously from its fingers. Great skill in use of hands and fingers. Its cry is as a whistle. Am told many [[red underline]] monkeys [[/red underline]] here all around in the woods but they are very shy and agile. Another man near by with a [[red underline]] gunshot wound [[/red underline]] on his foot, also spoke some French [[red underline]] Italian [[/red underline]] seem to predominate