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[[margin, red pencil, written vertically]] Rio Janeiro [[/margin, red pencil, written vertically]]
Tells me [[underlined in red]] men in Rio hesitate to wear light white [[/underlined in red]] or [[underlined in red]] pale clothes and prefer dark cloth [[/underlined in red]] northern garments and formal clothes. notwithstanding discomfort in hot weather, [[underlined in red]] because they do not like to be classed as an tropical country. [[/underlined in red]] Physicians and other professional men are mostly clad in formal dress. black cloth morning coat etc. [[underlined in red]] Physicians wear a ring [[/underlined in red]] with [[underlined in red]] green stone, [[/underlined in red]] lawyers ditto with [[underlined in red]] red [[/underlined in red]] stone, Engineers likewise have a distinguishing ring. I notice more and more very [[underlined in red]] plump and fat flabby women. [[/underlined in red]] Present dress with high cut skirts rather exposes their legs and ankles. [[underlined in red]] Legs look swollen and [[/underlined in red]] ankles are
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[[underlined in red]] unusually thick, [[/underlined in red]] am told this is due to the habit of wearing absurdedly high heeled slippers.
April 5. Monday. went early to [[underlined in red]] National Museum [[/underlined in red]] the old palace of the first Emperor of Brazil. a very numerous collection of [[underlined in red]] natural history, also a [[strikethrough]] well [[/strikethrough]] cleanly kept [[underlined in red]] laboratory [[/underlined in red]] of [[underlined in red]] chemistry where expert [[/underlined in red]] work for the Government analysis toxicological investigations etc are conducted. Chemist was out, one man in charge [[underlined in red]] Place looks more like a drawing room than [[/underlined in red]] a [[underlined in red]] laboratory. Fancy shades [[/underlined in red]] etc. 
A young lady [[underlined in red]] Miss Lutz [[/underlined in red]] the [[underlined in red]] daughter of one of the [[/underlined in red]] directors accompanied