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[[vertical annotation in red left in margin]] Rio Janeiro [[left margin]]
Library is [[red underline]] maintained by the Government.  The whole made an excellent impression. [[/red underline]]  Went walking around the [[strikethrough]] Qua [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Praya Flamenco ^[Flemish strand]] [[/red underline]] Rather strong northern whipping the spray of the waves over the sidewalk and street.  A pretty little Park opposite with a small aquarium.  [[red underline]] Fishes are exactly those of Florida Groupers (Garupra) Jewfish and Grunts. [[/red underline]]
I changed some gold at the rate of $ 3.900 M.R per Am. Dollar.
I have a [[red underline]] new room in hotel [[/red underline]] with a marvelous view over Bay & mountains and city below.
April 7.  News [[red underline]] of Ruhr district less disquietening in as far as the Germans are [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] withdrawing. [[/red underline]] I wonder why [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] does not cable and whether she has received my cable or is away.
Went for lunch with Dr. [[red underline]] Morrison and Phillipi [[/red underline]] to Central Club and changed $50 worth of American cheques for which I got 187 Mil Reis or $1.00 = 3.74[[strikethrough]]00 [[/strikethrough]]
April 8.  For the [[red underline]] last three days it was rather warm [[/red underline]] and sultry except at night.  Today it rained and is cooler. Weird effect of of all, the rocks & hills emerging from the sea and surrounded by low hanging clouds changing in shape and distribution every few minutes.  Was invited for lunch [[red underline]] on S.S. Callao [[/red underline]] which has arrived in port for first time [[red underline]] thus setting a precedent of a large American passenger [[/red underline]]