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[[margin, red pencil, written vertically]] Rio Janeiro - Aqueduct [[/margin, red pencil, written vertically]]
April 9. Walked along [[underlined in red]] aqueduct [[/underlined in red]] top to original place where water was collected. A set of solidly constructed reservoirs made of [[strikethrough]] gra [[/strikethrough]] big granite blocks tightly cemented together and provided with a set of old sliding valves. so as to distribute better the different streams in the reservoirs. A pretty little garden around, all in some ravine [[strikethrough]] prov in the woods, [[/strikethrough]] encased in woods with varied [[strikethrough]] vey [[/strikethrough]] tropical vegetation all very pretty and very well situated. I notice that this aqueduct was constructed in [[underlined in red]] 1744. [[/underlined in red]] At that time it must have been an ambitious piece of engineering and involved serious difficulties. The [[underlined in red]] old aqueduct is very obvious [[/underlined in red]] everywhere along the road on which exists the electric car
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line but is broken thru in several places and is no longer use. it was all made of cement Some of the old watershed is now conveyed in various cast iron pipes to neighborhood. Many [[underlined in red]] pretty villas [[/underlined in red]] and a splendid and varied natural vegetation. I notice many [[underlined in red]] coffee plants [[/underlined in red]] growing wild Some bore a few berries. Little further up at Sylvestre there is a prettily situated open air restaurant with a beautiful view, ^[[just beyond]] [[strikethrough]] near [[/strikethrough]] the station where [[strikethrough]] change [[/strikethrough]] the electric car line stops and change to the cogwheel road up [[underlined in red]] the Corcovado [[/underlined in red]] is made.
Afternoon went to Rio and visited the rooms of [[underlined in red]] American Chamber of Commerce. [[/underlined in red]] Supper at restaurant of the Municipal theatre, excellent music.