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[[vertical annotation in red in left margin]] Petropolis [[/left margin]]
sunny in the morning. I notice some girls [[red underline]] walking to the factory [[/red underline]] they are [[red underline]] simply but cleanly [[red underline]] clad and wear good shoes. and as [[strikethrough]] most people [[/strikethrough]] ^[[many women]] here wear no hat which simplifies expenses considerably [[red underline]] All over Rio [[/red underline]] some kind of [[red underline]] half-sabot [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] which I believe [[/strikethrough]] is much worn. Its sole is wood and the uppers are of rough leather, sometimes canvass. It is different from the flemish sabot which is all wood but it makes about just as much noise. I believe it is [[originally?]] from Portugal. Half slippers as used in the Orient are much worn too [[strikethrough]] on baref [[/strikethrough]] on sockless feet. Men and women alike of the lower class or lower middle class [[strikethrough]] seem to [[/strikethrough]] wear these [[red underline]] slippers and sabots [[/red underline]] on their bare feet. Many others are barefooted
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in Rio and environs. I [[red underline]] notice more barefeet here than even in Rio [[/red underline]] probably because the streets are less congested.
I notice that ^[[in]] one of the canals the water is deep purple. as if some aniline dye or wine were discharged in it.
[[strikethrough]] Man [[/strikethrough]] Several [[red underline]] private schools [[/red underline]] here. One public school next to church. In about 200 children I [[red underline]] noticed only two who were not barefooted and barelegged. [[/red underline]] Boys and small girls [[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] of the people all [[red underline]] barelegged and barefooted and look healthy [[/red underline]] and comfortable Notice many [[red underline]] blonde haired and red haired children [[/red underline]] unmistakably of [[red underline]] German [[/red underline]] origin. the early settlers here in 1850 were [[red underline]] Germans [[/red underline]]
My bill including about 7000 Reis