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[[vertical annotation in left margin written in red]] Rio [[/vertical annotation]]
[[red underline]] Capt. Woodward [[/red underline]] U.SN. naval attaché, [[red underline]] Phillipi, [[/red underline]] Dr. Pyle, Carruthers ^[[manager]] of the First National Bank etc. A pleasant evening.
Tuesday April 27. Went to Rio to buy [[red underline]] beer and wine [[/red underline]] for the voyage as the [[red underline]] Callao, [[/red underline]] under supervision of the American shipping board is [[red underline]] officially "dry! [[/red underline]] Had a last pleasant day, walking about beautiful Rio.
April 28 (Wednesday). Up early packing. A beautiful sunrise over the mountains. The nearby mountain shows a blanket of fog which runs over its sides as if it were a waterfalls and by and by fills the valley with a dense cloud which finally overflows [[strikethrough]] in my [[/strikethrough]] thru the window in my room
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[[red underline]] A very interesting phenomenon. [[/red underline]] Left the hotel at 9 A.M. with an automobile of the hotel in which I had placed my trunk and valises. I find I have a [[red underline]] good room on the Callao, [[/red underline]] but many things on this rebuilt ^[[German]] boat seem unfinished and badly cared for. Furthermore [[red underline]] many of the stewards seem drunk. This was their last chance [[/red underline]] before reaching New York of buying liquors and they seem to have fully taken advantage of this.
[[strikethrough]] Craw [[/strikethrough]] Lee, Crawford, ^[[Morrison]] Hill Goodall, Levey all came to see us off, in fact most of [[red underline]] the member of the American [[/red underline]] Colony are there and this makes a cheerful [[strikethrough]] po [[/strikethrough]] occasion. [[red underline]] Crawford [[/red underline]] has sent me a bottle of Scotch Whiskey 
A certain [[red underline]] Miss Williams [[/red underline]]