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[[vertical annotation in red in left margin]] SS Callao [[/left margin]]
whom I met at the house of Col Crawford asks me to give her regards to Mr. [[red underline]] Meacham [[/red underline]] of the University Club.
[[red underline]] Phillipi [[/red underline]] is provided with cocktail-shakers and a variety of drinks, some others seem all well stocked too and this boat promises to [[red underline]] be less dry than  imagined [[/red underline]] at first
I am warned to keep my room well locked as [[red underline]] the crew is hungry for liquors [[/red underline]]
April 29. Another quiet day calm sea. Temperature in my room has been steadily 79-80◦ F. very pleasant. Course is N-E by E
April 3. Same weather and temperature and usually blows from starboard which make my cabin
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very well ventilated.
[[red underline]] Dr. Darling [[/red underline]] of the [[red underline]] Rockefeller [[/red underline]] Institute who has been [[red underline]] lecturing on tropical medicines [[/red underline]] in Sao Paulo is very interesting man, who has resided in China, Japan, [[red underline]] Java [[/red underline]] and many other countries in the Far East. He is very enthusiastic about [[strikethrough]] Japan [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Java [[red underline]] says that the [[red underline]] latter summer months and beginning of the Fall are preferable this being the dry season. [[red underline]] That all over [[red underline]] Java [[/red underline]] there are excellent motor roads. That the inhabitants are kind and pleasant to white men That hotels are well kept. That however [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Cholera [[/red underline]] and similar diseases are [[red underline]] endemic in Batavia Buitenzorg [[/red underline]] is a healthy pleasant climate. Batavia