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[[left margin in red]] SS Callao [[/left margin]]
few others [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] to whom I was offering the hospitality of my cabin under the form of a glass of Vermouth [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] As there [[red underline]] were only two chairs [[/red underline]] the others had to sit on the bed and he was squatting on the floor. I asked him the direct question whether the [[strikethrough]] M [[/strikethrough]] revolution against [[red underline]] Porfirio Diaz [[/red underline]] was not instigated by American and other business interests in the Northern Mexican States. As an answer he gave us a most [[red underline]] interesting account of this page of modern history. [[/red underline]] He says my supposition is incorrect and mentioned as real causes the following. [[red underline]] Porfirio Diaz [[/red underline]] an Indian himself [[red underline]] had as his most trusted friends the Indians
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[[left margin in red]] Profirio Diaz [[/left margin]]
of Mexico who make by far the [[red underline]] overwhelming majority of the people Indians [[/red underline]] far superior [[red underline]] in intelligence and abilities to [[/red underline]] those of South and North America. Following the policy of trying to develop [[rd underline]] Mexico [[/red underline]] by foreign aid and foreign enterprises, a correct idea in itself. he began to lose his head [[red underline]] by flattery [[/red underline and more particularly [[red underline]] when he remarried and took as his wife Carmen the daughter of one of the oldest and proudest and most autocratic Spanish families. a beautiful woman [[/red underline]] at the same time. This [[red underline]] flattered his vanity [[/red underline]] as much as Napoleon the First, when the latter succeeded in marrying a Princess of the house of Austria. [[red underline]] Carmen [[/red underline]] influenced him in [[strikethrough]] aceeding [[/strikethrough]]