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accumulated here during my absence.
May [[strikethrough]] 19 [[/strikethrough]] 20. At 3 P.M examination of [[red underline]] Mortimer Harvey for [[/red underline]] his [[strikethrough]] do [[/strikethrough]] Ph.D examination. Other examiners. Bogert, Jackson, Pegram [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] myself and two of the department of Physics.
Afterwards went to Century Club to meet a young French Chemist. [[red underline]] Pierre Salles. [[/red underline]] then to Columbia University Club then to dinner offered by [[red underline]] Thomas Ewing, [[/red underline]] former Patent Commissioner to [[strikethrough]] Se [[red underline]] Lane, [[/red underline]] former Secretary of the Interior. about thirty present among others, Pupin Sprague, DeForest Baldwin Colon Grigg, John Bassett Moore etc. There were no speeches but Ewing invited me
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to give an account of my trip in [[red underline]] South America [[/red underline]] which I did after which ^[[arose]] discussion [[strikethrough]] arose [[/strikethrough]] on the subject, which involved renewed questions from everybody addressed to me. [[red underline]] Col. Carthy, Lane Ewing [[/red underline]] interrogating most actively. This lasted till [[red underline]] nearly midnight [[/red underline]] so I missed my train and with [[strikethrough]] belated [[/strikethrough]] advanced new Daylight saving time being one hour ahead of train time it was 2 A M. when I reached Yonkers I felt very [[red underline]] tired and nervous [[/red underline]] all day and this animated discussion made matters worse
May 21. Tried to keep quiet all morning and afternoon. Evening went to University Club where [[red underline]] Dr. Darling [[/red underline]] took supper with me. I drove

Transcription Notes:
Thomas Ewing was Commissioner of Patents under Lane