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my car, while Lewis was all day occupied scraping [[red underline]] The Ion. [[/red underline]]
Saturday 22. All day here trying to keep quiet and [[red underline]] rest my nerves. [[/red underline]] ^[[I read all the old numbers of Yachting journals.]] Feel very tired [[red underline]] and worn out and totally uninterested in my work [[/red underline]] 
Sunday (May 23) Another cold gray day. [[red underline]] Fell very nervous [[/red underline]] Visit of Mr. Andre Deschamps, a Belgian chemist who has a Hoover scholarship in Mass. Institute of Technology and Dr. [[red underline]] Darling [[/red underline]] of Sao Paolo. After lunch went out for a short motor drive. [[strikethrough]] Feel [[/strikethrough]]
Monday. May 26. drove with Lewis to Ion, all the work there much belated and everything looks [[red underline]] discouraging on account of lack of labor. [[/red underline]] Deck canvass paint badly cracked
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caulking of hull almost finished [[red underline]] One man wanted 30 Dollars only for scraping the paint of the gunwale! [[/red underline]] 
[[two red exclamation points in left margin]] 
another [[red underline]] $100 [[/red underline]] for burning off paint of hull, etc. [[red underline]] This is a sign of the times Shortage of help, exorbitant wage for very incompetent help. [[/red underline]]
Thursday. 25. Slightly warmer to day. Spent very active morning telephoning [[strikethrough]] Rossi [[/strikethrough]] and dictating letters. [[red underline]] Still bothered with tired [[strikethrough]] feeling and dep [[/strikethrough]] and depressed feeling. [[/red underline]]
May 26. Feel much better and fit for work. Evening went to University Club to meet [[red underline]] Phillipi [[/red underline]] who took supper with me.
Dictated letters all day and went over present work with Gothelf. Weather warmer & more pleasant
May 27. Rossi here at 11. A.M talked over [[red underline]] situation of Bakelite Co. [[/red underline]] Still considerable