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[[strikethrough]] my car while Lewis is scraping the Ion. [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] trouble with supply of formaldehyde, and our output is limited [[/red underline]] by it. Considerable [[red underline]] shortage of alcohol and wood flour [[/red underline]] brought about much by [[red underline]] distress in freight conditions [[/red underline]] 
Went with [[red underline]] Rossi [[/red underline]] and Gothelf over transparent C. situation [[red underline]] and laid out program for immediate [[/red underline]] action for lightproof varieties to be manufactured in small quantities for sale so as to test commercially. [[strikethrough]] Pleasant [[/strikethrough]] Afternoon came here [[red underline]] Scobel [[/red underline]] who showed us polymerization and solidification of tung oil by addition of [[red underline]] ferric chloride at ordinary [[/red underline]] temperature in presence of 
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Rossi and Gothelf
Evening [[red underline]] Townsend [[/red underline]] came here and with him and Rossi went over whole patent situation and recent developments 
Rossi left at 9 P.M. [[red underline]] Townsend [[/red underline]] stayed over night.
May 28. Townsend left this morning at 9.A.M. [[red underline]] Toch [[/red underline]] advises me to have nothing whatsoever to do with [[red underline]] Scobel [[/red underline]] after I had asked his advice about him, says he is [[red underline]] untrustworthy [[/red underline]] but cannot give me additional information over phone.- Again mild pleasant [[strikethrough]] Ambassador de Cartier called me at the phone. [[/strikethrough]] weather. [[red underline]] Demuth [[/red underline]] here this afternoon for further report about South America. Showed him the three varieties of [[red underline]] permanent transparent bakelite [[/red underline]] on which we intend to standardize. He agrees