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increased beyond certain limits. [[red underline]] Rubber prices on the contrary have considerably declined below normal. [[/red underline]] 
We have been [[red underline]] short of deliveries of denatured alcohol due [[/red underline]] to increased demand but mainly on account of [[red underline]] general disturbance of freight facilities and belated deliveries.
[[two red exclamation points in left margin]]
Same delay in obtaining wood flour, [[/red underline]] but at least the two latter products are obtainable and conditions are not so bad as for [[red underline]] formaldehyde - We must try to find a substitute for formaldehyde or another method of producing wood [[/red underline]] alcohol.
Receives and deliveries of phenol and cresol are good until end of year [[strikethrough]] Told to Rossi to ord [[/strikethrough]] 
We are only producing [[red underline]] 700 lbs [[/red underline]]
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per day of transparent material due to [[red underline]] lack of formaldehyde. [[/red underline]] With present equipment and we could produce 1300-1400 lbs says Rossi. [[red underline]] Labor shortage or account of reduced production does no longer bother us. [[/red underline]] 
Told to Rossi to [[red underline]] utilize present slack conditions for ordering enough new equipment for future increase or for renewal in case of [[/red underline]] breakdown, for inst. 3 [[strikethrough]] new bi [[/strikethrough]] additional bakelizers, etc. 
[[red underline]] Gilette's [[/red underline]] razor box want other color than black are trying red now.
We are [[red underline]] reclaiming [[/red underline]] as much [[red underline]] CH20 [[/red underline]] as possible, excepting some 2% maximum lost in the distillation water of the Novolak
Told Rossi to try to [[red underline]] supply green to Demuth for exportation 
Told importance of synthesis of formaldehyde [[/red underline]] or