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methylen compounds which could replace formaldehyde After a vote of the last week our [[strikethrough]] labor [[/strikethrough]] operatives have [[strikethrough]] us [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] accepted increase of weekly working hours from 48 to 55 hours or about 15% [[/red underline]] increase, with same ratio of increase, [[red underline]] work being paid by the hour. [[/red underline]]
[[two red exclamation points in left margin]]
[[red and black underline]] Shannon. [[/red and black underline]] Has had charge of transparent plant and conducted additional experiments and kept chemical control of this department; shows me his samples of [[red underline]] green, tortoise shell [[/red underline]] and how by the use of long [[red underline]] brass tubes is succeeding in making long sticks. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Had [[/strikethrough]] 
[[red and black underline]] Lawrence Bryck. [[/red and black underline]] Has not been able to continue molding work with his [[red underline]] tungoil- [[/red underline]] bakelite molding mixture on account of unavailability of presses
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and rollers during winter period due to other urgent work, manufacturing and testing but has studied in mean time all [[red underline]] solubilizers [[/red underline]] which have the required technical effect on [[red underline]] tung oil. [[/red underline]] 
Has given attention to regular reclaiming of CH20. Says ^[[all]] most ^[[all]] of our CH20 from our varnish is now reclaimed as [[red underline]] hexatriphenol [[/red underline]] and some as a special A which is used as thus. Has not succeeded in reclaiming the alcohol on account of caking on of A or B on walls or coils of still. [[red underline]] Rossi is now trying in Buffalo concern [[/red underline]] to see whether a still with scraping roller will not allow to overcome this defect. Expects news from Buffalo people. [[red underline]] Lawrence [[/red underline]] says only small amount of CH2O exists in distillate from Novolak, not to exceed 2% of the aqueous distillate