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with Swan and May [[red underline]] discussing present situation and many pending [[/red underline]] questions till I was very tired. went to University Club for supper. [[red underline]] Robert Bridges [[/red underline]] showed me [[red underline]] his new quarters at the Club [[/red underline]] and portraits and groups of the Princeton men in his class, among whom was [[red underline]] Woodrow Wilson. [[/red underline]]
June 10. Here all day except short visit to [[red underline]] ION [[red underline]] which is almost ready to put in the water Lewis finishing cool ventilators Evening came [[red underline]] Sarton [[/red underline]] and family and [[red underline]] Seabury. [[/red underline]] The latter stayed over night and told me [[red underline]] his vicissitude of last years and struggle with Palmer, Gavin [[/red underline]] and other men connected with [[red underline]] Alien Custodian [[/red underline]] department and how he
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finally came out victorious and is now [[red underline]] exclusive owner of Boonton Rubber Company [[/red underline]]
June 11 [[red underline]] Seabury [[/red underline]] still here He tells me that he has knowledge of making [[red underline]] composite cardboard [[/red underline]] earlier than [[red underline]] Westinghouse [[/red underline]] claims and less than two years before my application.
Very warm day. Drove along to New York. Flat tire. went for supper to University Club. [[red underline]] Oscar Crosby [[/red underline]] there. Then to last meeting of the N.Y Section of the American Chemical Society. Drove [[red underline]] Walter Bowman home
June 12. Here all day. cooler.
June 13 (Sunday) Cool and cloudy here all day
June 14. Warmer. Dictated all morning. [[red underline]] Lewis [[/red underline[[ still at [[red underline]] Ion finishing [[/red underline]] painting.