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June 15. Went to see Hermann & Schleissner at new office of R&H. to discuss [[red underline]] bonus for employes and other [[/red underline]] business maters. Also reminded him of the fact that [[red underline]] I consider arrangement with R&H as to election of directors as illegal beyond original term of five years [[red underline]] but do not intend pursuing issue in as far as we are getting along so well Then went to lunch at Chemists Club. went for supper at University Club. One of the first days that it is warm
June 16 Home all day
June 17 [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] finally put in water this morning [[red underline]] Jim & Lewis [[/red underline]] on board pumping and arranging Hull seems tight. Cool
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weather again. Met [[red underline]] Townsend and Bridewater [[/red underline]] at University Club at supper and discuss [[red underline]] pending patent and trademark [[/red underline]] matters. - Cold weather
June 18. Cold and rainy. [[red underline]] Oscar Crosby [[/red underline]] here this afternoon, [[red underline]] took him to Longue [[/red underline]] Vice for supper [[red underline]] because Celine [[/red underline]] has her annual [[red underline]] Prospect dinner [[/red underline]] to night.
June 19. Went to [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] shortly before lunch to see how awning should be altered. - Then back home, then evening at [[red underline]] Brokerville's [[/red underline]] for supper with Celine. This is [[red underline]] his 50th Birthday [/red underline]] Still cold weather altho' not so unpleasant as yesterday
June 20 (Sunday) More pleasant weather. Home here all day Removed property from Yonkers Corinthian Yacht Club which has been sold