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at Spuyten Duivel. Lewis installing storage battery and varnishing. Warner got engine going. Then went to University Club to meet [[red underline]] Phillippi [[/red underline]] for [[strikethrough]] break [[/strikethrough]] ^[[supper]]. He has accepted a position with a [[red underline]] new bank in Rio. [[/red underline]]
June 26. Feel much better. Weather mild and pleasant. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] writes [[strikethrough]] un [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] enthusiastic letter [[/red underline]] that he is [[red underline]] leaving on his oil prospecting trip with Crooks [[/red underline]] and has received money I sent him
Afternoon drove with [[strikethrough]] Mrs [[/strikethrough]] Celine to [[red underline]] Vander Rip's garden [[/red underline]] party in Scarborough where he entertained the Japan Society. Japanese wrestling two handed sword then a [[strikethrough]] pla [[/strikethrough]] Japanese play, performed by Japanese. the legend of the Fisherman
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Met Elmer Spevy and others.
June 27 (Sunday) Home all day feel rather depressed and worn out.
June 28. Feel better to day than any time since last two weeks Meeting with [[red underline]] Kirk Brown [[/red underline]] at Columbia U. Club. at 3 P.M. [[red underline]] Very suave and polite. Says kicked Frank Dyer out. [[/red underline]] because latter tried to purchase for [[red underline]] Redmanol Co majority stock of Condensite Co. Dyer is now [[/red underline]] the attorney for [[red underline]] Redmanol Co Dyer [[/red underline]] was always a rather unpleasant [[red underline]] partner for Kirk Brown. [[/red underline]] Got his stock from [[red underline]] Aylsworth for doing nothing except to prepare [[/red underline]] papers for patent applications for Aylsworth and even for this he was paid [[red underline]] as attorney [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] President of Edison Incorporated Dyer wife is rather extrava- [[/red underline]]