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has dropped off near gear. Warner came on board and after some consultation concluded to instal a [[strikethrough]] chains [[/strikethrough]] silent chain drive instead of that bothersome and inefficient gear drive. After midday lifted anchor and took the [[red underline]] Ion back to Spuyten Duivel [[/red underline]] Back home at about 3:30PM [[red underline]] Celine was alone. had given the cook a holiday and she [[red underline]] made me [[/red underline]] an excellent [[red underline]] chicken waterzooi [[/red underline]]
July 6. Up early. [[red underline]] Willy Sands [[/red underline]] arrived here just in time for lunch. Celine to N.Y. Drove to [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] afternoon. Beautiful weather feel excellent
uly 7. Early away to New York for [red underline]] Director's meeting. [[red underline]] Only Hamman  Schleussner and Dill [[/red underline]] there. Went to buy some hardware, Durkee
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[red underline]] [[Trebout?]] [[/red underline]] etc [[?]] People in this sort of business are getting more ill mannered than ever before. Real roughnecks, incompetent and devoid of every bit of decent behavior. New York seems to be getting worse and worse. Hectic activity erecting additional office buildings everywhere. For supper at University Club.
July 8. Capt. [[red underline]] Pilkington [[/red underline]] of Miami came to visit me. then later on [[red underline]] Admiral William Strother Smith [[/red underline]] came to consult me about [[red underline]] new naval laboratory. [[/red underline]] Warner cannot get linkbelt so will have to use spare gears.
July 9. Last Sunday gear of dynamo of Ion stripped. This [[strikethrough]] Warner h [[/strikethrough]] puts [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] out of commission. [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] To day

Transcription Notes:
waterzooi is a Belgian stew Ink smudged on top of page.