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July 12 Dictate some letters then went with Lewis and Jim on [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] to fix up things and to instal shaft now at Warner. But it is not ready further promises further delays, finally at 7P.M left disgusted. some heavy showers.
July 13. Here all day dictating letters. [[red underline]] So. American [[/red underline]] etc. Lewis is away with motor car to hurry up shaft and gears. Remained there till late to make sure they are finished to be put up to morrow.
July 14. [[red underline]] Miss Evans [[/red underline]] not well had to return home. I went on board [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] Warner and his man worked all day at that gear then I found out they
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had designed it [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[wrongly]] to [[strikethrough]] threaten [[/strikethrough]] So as to avoid future trouble I made them put a hub on it. A hot unpleasant disappointing day and more delays. Came back for supper.
July 15. Showers. [[red underline]] Lewis [[/red underline]] on the [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] early but had to wait for Warner and his man till noon I went to N.Y. buying some more yachting hardware. Lunch at [[red underline]] Chemists Club which seems to be going well. [[/red underline]] Then to Columbia University Club, Then across the street to Century Club. Had a little chat with [[red underline]] Major Putnam [[/red underline]] who glories in the new ^[[new]] red ribbon he wears and has just returned [[red underline]] from England. [[/red underline]] Took supper at University Club with [[red underline]] Arthur Scribner [[/red underline]] and Robert [[red underline]] Bridges. [[/red underline]] Lewis came to fetch me with the car [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] at 9P.M and reported