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[[left margin in red]] Yacht Races [[/left margin]]
every opportunity of studying both yachts [[red underline]] which look very much alike. [[/red underline]] Rather simple in lines, flush deck, nothing to mar the wind, not [[red underline]] even [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] shelter to the companion [[/red underline]] way. No [[red underline]] cock pit, [[/red underline]] nor gunwale just flush deck. The crew is fed and housed for both yachts by a [[red underline]] nearby excursion boat, which [[strikethrough]] new [[/strikethrough]] serves as a floating boarding house [[/red underline]] The most striking feature of end [[strikethrough]] y [[/strikethrough]] competing yacht is the [[red underline]] tremendous single pole mast [[/red underline]] no top mast. This mast seems entirely out of proportion of the size of the boat; in order to brace the mast guys and stays are rigged on the principle of a bob stay. This is what they call a [[red underline]] "Marconi" mast, [[/red underline]] built somewhat in the order of the masts of a wireless station
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July 18. (Sunday) Last night cool but windy. To day windy and squally. Tried to take some bearings so as to correct elevation of compass. Occasional rain storms. [[strikethrough]] Sho [[/strikethrough]] Resolute [[/strikethrough]] which is anchored about 200 yards from the Ion seems lonely and abandoned, [[red underline]] only one sailor aboard; [[/red underline]] the others in the boarding house boat. Many launches and small yachts came to take a look at the racers. 
July 19. Tried to leave early but had some trouble with engine Arrived in [[red underline]] Perth Amboy [[/red underline]] at about [[strikethrough]] 11AM but [[/strikethrough]] 11 A.M. [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] took lunch then [[red underline]] went to factory [[/red underline]] Everything seems normal except still [[red underline]] trouble with labor shortage and delays of delivery of raw materials [[/red underline]] due to critical conditions on railroad shipping This month will be a big