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Keeps on raining. I sheltered in my cabin [[?]] correcting my notes and fixing things and Lewis is in rear cabin taking his supper. Thunder and lightning. Suddenly a cyclone like [[red underline]] squall [[/red underline]] and before we knew it, our [[red underline]] anchor was dragging [[/red underline]] and when we got on deck the [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] was already [[red underline]] pounding [[/red underline]] against the pier of teh [[red underline]] Raritan Yacht Club [[/red underline]] and it was blowing like fury and [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] big waves were succeeding each other.
Fortunately our [[red underline]] big dinghy broke the impact [[/red underline]] but did this [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] while being [[strikethrough]] smashed [[/strikethrough]] smashed and broken up acting as a fender. The rail stanchions tore off their screws. With the help of Lewis we put a rope fo and aft to tie the
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boat against the pillars of the [[?]] to avoid further dragging towards shore and grounding. [[strikethrough]] Twice the weather [[/strikethrough]] In the mean time it kept on blowing and the rain was falling like a cloud burst. Finally weather moderated. A sloop near by had torn away her moorings and a fine sloop yacht was also dragging her anchor. We got power and went to anchor further from shore, but the time it was ark. Absolute calm all night
July 23. up early and a very busy morning till noon. securing up stanchins to the deck rail and [[red underline]] generally mending [[/red underline]] the damage done by the storm After all damage is relatively slight except [[red underline]] big dinghy which is badly smashed. [[/red underline]] The heavy