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Southward to Yacht Yard of Petersen in Nyack. He offered me several yachts for sale at bargain prices among them was "Desire" an 89 ft. x 16 x 8 - ^[[42"]] yacht built in 1913. auxiliary ketch rig etc. 2 [[strikethrough]] engi [[/strikethrough]] gas . 6 cyl. engines 7 x 9 Buffalo for #35,000. We anchored near Palisades opposite Riverdale Station [[strikethrough]] almost opposite my house I let Lewis out with Dinghy at Yacht Club and I remained aboard alone. Campers near by all seem to have a phonograph playing a different rag-time tune and all seem to be singing a different song, and all sing it wrong. A thunderstorm and squall and rain otherwise very calm and [[/strikethrough]]
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[[strikethrough]] restful night [[/strikethrough]] so as to let [[underlined in red]] Seabury [[/underlined in red]] out early to morrow morning as he wants to be back in N.Y. Calm quiet night. Up early. Let [[underlined in red]] Seabury [[/underlined in red]] out at station about 9:30 AM.. We proceeded to Spuyten Duivel there did some more work on the boat, then after lunch went out to try the engine etc. I let Lewis out at Corinthian Yacht club with dinghy while I went to anchor near Palisades [[strikethrough]] alm [[/strikethrough]] somewhat South of Snug Rock. sufficiently removed from nearby tent colony. Nevertheless [[underlined in red]] every camper seems to have [[/underlined in red]] a [[underlined in red]] phonograph playing [[/underlined in red]] a different rag-time tune and every camper seems to be singing wrong a different