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[[underlined]] 126 [[/underlined]]
which I had to correct. Finally made proper land fall and [[red underline]] entered Connecticut River [[\red underline]] at 2:55P.M. Further up River becomes very picturesque. Wooded Islands [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[with]] rocky shores then entered a little creek on starboard [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] which brought us to a charming little lake called [[red underline]] Hamburg Cove [[\red underline]] One would think himself in the Adirondacks. dropped anchor ^[[4:25P.M]]. nobody else there. Went rowing as far as Hamburg following the creek. Beautiful wildflowers, vivid red like Sylvias. Rowed for about 2 hours but am badly suffering from a strained ankle so painful had trouble to get down companion way.
[[margin, red pencil, written vertically]] ION [[\margin, red pencil, written vertically]]
Some [[strikethrough]] sma [[/strikethrough]] two or three small launches came to anchor in the cove and stayed over 
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Aug 15 (Sunday) Again thunder and rain tonight.  My ankle feels much improved and I can walk about. Cloudy and rainy looking but nice and cool. We had no mosquitoes Lewis scrubbing hull of Ion in freshwater. [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] I arranging my notes waiting for better weather to proceed. Left at 12:50 and proceeded [[red underline]] up Connecticut River [[\red underline]] Pretty shores not too much settled, some rocky; mostly all well wooded. [[red underline]] Reminds one of Canada or Adirondack lakes [[\red underline]] Many launches and happy holiday parties, picknickers in the wood or bathers all a very pretty sight At 3:30 dropt anchor before [[red underline]] Middletown [[\red underline]] and stayed there overnight.
Aug 16. Started engine at 6:45. Left at 7:00 A.M. Engine running irregularly arrived at Hartford at 10:00 AM.