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preferably of acids of high molecular weight and by their behavior as a [[red underlined]] plasticizing [[/red underlined]] agent for bakelite and in general study their behavior in bakelite. Explained him how these annelids are obtained and how to utilize them and to look up the literature
I intend on my return Wednesday or Saturday to also call [[red underlined]] Gothelf [[/red underlined]] attention to these matters.
Oct 4. Beautiful weather. Went [[red underlined]] to factory [[/red underlined]] and discussed in detail with [[red underlined]] Rossi [[/red underlined]] the whole scheme of [[red underlined]] Lawrence and Peakes. [[/red underlined]]  Altho' I did not tell him my thoughts in advance, he also thinks that [[red underlined]] Peakes with his lack of common sense and overly aggressive spirit is the most detrimental factor in the whole plan. Told Lawrence [[/red underlined]] to have a meeting with Rossi to morrow and repeat to
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[[left margin in red]] ION [[/left margin]]
him all what he said to me then invite Rossi to meet him and [[red underline]] Peakes [[/red underline]] at their work shop so that on my return I can discuss further with Rossi and devise some plan of arrangement.
Told Rossi that it is [[red underline]] forbidden [[/red undelrine]] to sell or [[red underline]] give away any [[/red underline]] samples of [[red underline]] Shrimpe's material until further orders. [[/red underline]]
Discussed with [[red underline]] Shrimpe [[/red underline]] a further program of research work to utilize [[red underline]] CH2Cl2 [[/red underline]] instead of formaldehyde or hexa and gave him a list of instructions to that effect
Back on the [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] about 2P.M. Beautiful mile weather took in 120 gals of gasoline at 29 1/2 c. a gallon.
During the night a short shower and thunderstorm then clear