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[[vertical annotation in left margin written in red]] ION [[/vertical annotation]]
[[top right margin]] 1920 [[/top right margin]]
October 17. ^[[(Sunday)]] Some beautiful weather slight breeze. Left at 8:15 then [[red underline]] up the Potomac. [[/red underline]] Very enjoyable trip. River well buoyed. Pretty shores on both sides 
Bluffs and wooded shores. Near [[red underline]] Indian Head [[/red underline]] saw several motor cruises and a small steam yacht. This seems a favorite place for cruising. Then at 4 P.M dropped anchor before [[red underline]] Mount Vernon. [[/red underline]] Quiet charming landscape 
[[black underline]] Oct 18. [[/black underline]] 
Up early and lunch of boiled chicken-vegetable dinner at 9:30 A.M then rowed to [[red underline]] landing of Mount Vernon [[/red underline]] before usual crowd of visitors arrived. At 11:30 lifted anchor then up the river. Slight haze but beautiful weather Bridge tender of R.R. bridge near Potomac Park refused to open so had to wait till tug boat passed

Transcription Notes:
Ion is the name of his boat.