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lunch [[red underline]] Cosmos Club [[/red underline]] where met Drs [[red underline]] Fairchild, Bigelow, Moore [[/red underline]] Cottrell and [[red underline]] Gilbert Grosvenor [[/red underline]] Later went to Dr. [[red underline]] Bigelow's [[/red underline]] laboratory and his work on determining time and temperature and acidity factor in the destruction of [[red underline]] thermophile bacteria [[/red underline]] which resist high temperatures
Then visited [[red underline] Pan American [[/red underline]] Union building. Mr. Adams acting as our guide He says that when the Republic of Haiti was [[strikethrough]] notified that [[/strikethrough]] ^[[insertion]] requested to send a [[/insertion]] a bust in white marble of [[strikethrough]] specifying d [[/strikethrough]] specified dimensions [[strikethrough]] of each one of [[/strikethrough]] representing a national hero in its history - same request was sent to the other republics there was some delay in receiving an answer to their
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letter. and later on a request was made to have a carbon copy of the original which was in English. (a translation in French had been sent at the same time. Finally a bust in white marble of a [[red underline]] negro general with cocked hat arrived [[/red underline]] and was placed on a pedestal. It later on developed that the hesitation on the part of Haiti had been on account of the [[red underline]] "white" [[/red underline]] marble it having been their adopted custom since they killed and drove out the whites out of their republic that nothing but [[red underline]] black marble [[/red underline]] was used for any of their busts or statues. After supper I left [[red underline]] George Roll [[/red underline]] in his room at Cosmos Club and I went aboard [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] 
Oct 20. Bright weather fog has lifted. Barometer 30.05" Walked along docks where