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the new [[red underline]] secretary of the Interior Paine [[/red underline]] with whom we had a chat for about ten minutes. Afternoon [[red underline]] Cogshall [[/red underline]] came aboard [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] and told me present state of his work on cracking oils. Also his patent for reclaiming alcohol from air containing alcohol, by using charcoal as absorbent 
Suggested to him that instead of hard coconut charcoal he might try any charcoal impregnated with an alkaline watery solution of bakelite A then calcined. He believes to have a process whereby he can make methylalcohol directly from methane. Remained for supper on [[strikethrough]] dect [[/strikethrough]] deck and left about 9 P.M.
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11         1920
[[black underline]] Sunday, October 24 ^[[1920]]. [[/black underline]] Barometer 30.1" but thick fog over the river. Then clearing and beautiful weather. Spent morning on [[red underline]] sketching & calculating sail rig for Ion [[/red underline]]] Afternoon went out alone in Evinrude to explore nearby waters. The anchorage of [[red underline]] Capital Yacht Club [[/red underline]] is very good and not too near the steam boat wharf. Tea and provisions easily obtainable nearby 
[[strikethrough]] Monday Oct 25. [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Dr. Shalton [[/red underline]] of bureau of Standards came aboard for this morning to see her.
Monday. Oct 25. Went to office of [[red underline]] Townsend. [[/red underline]] There discussed with him and [[red underline]] Brickenstein [[/red underline]] various funding problems also further course in trademark interference. 
Afternoon [[red underline]] Richardson [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] Brickenstein and an Editor [[/red underline]]

Transcription Notes:
The term "cracking" is used in the oil industry to refer to a variety of methods whereby a larger product is broken down into smaller by-products.