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[[in margin]] ION [[\in margin]]

NE breeze.  Pleasant temperature.  Lifted anchor 6.10AM  Sunny weather.  Dropped anchor [[red underline]] Annapolis [[\red underline]] at 9.20A.M.
Seabury just arrived at the wharf, [[red underline]] Townsend Seabury [[\red underline]] and [[red underline]] Lewis [[\red underline]] returned to town for buying supplies and cartridges
Barometer 8AM. 29.95"
[[red underline]] Seabury says [[\red underline]] we made several [[red underline]] infractions [[\red underline]] on game law.  1/ [[red underline]] Shooting on [[\red underline]] Sunday   2/ shooting without a permit, 3/ shooting from a moving motor boat.  He is an expert provided with licence just purchased, special duck gun etc.  Lifted anchor 10.25 taking shortest cruise to [[red underline]] Magothy River [[\red underline]] nearby.
A beautiful quiet picturesque place.  Gibson's Island with sandy cliffs and wooded shores, and high land alterna-

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[[in margin]] ION [[\in margin]]

ting with lawn and farmland.
Splendid deep clear water and easy navigation everywhere
Two charming small Islands in the bay.  Dropped anchor at 11.30 for lunch of stewed chicken and potatoes, while [[red underline]] Seabury [[\red underline]] plucked our duck of yesterday.  Sunny mild weather, ate on deck basking in the sun.  Exceptionally [[red underline]] beautiful Indian Summer this year. [[\red underline]]
Lifted anchor 1.30P.M and took shortest course [[red underline]] to Baltimore [[\red underline]] to let Townsend off.
N.W. breeze.  Channel well buoyed.  [[red underline]] Baltimore harbor [[\red underline]] smoky and noisy.  Anchored 4.00P.M near some oyster-schooners
[[red underline]] Townsend left [[\red underline]] and Seabury and Lewis went to town to buy supplies.
Ship keeps rocking all the time on account of passing boats.  A