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ION [[/vertical annotation]]
Cautiously finding our way in the fog amongst all the [[red underline]] traffic of the Hudson River [[/red underline]] thru New York. It is very cold. [[red underline]] Entered Spuyten Duivel Bridge at 10:15 AM. [[/red underline]] Immediately began putting things in shape for laying up for winter.
[[red underline]] George Roll [[/red underline]] came to fetch us with motor car at 1 P.M.
I went to [[red underline]] Faculty meeting Columbia University. [[/red underline]] Had a talk with [[red underline]] McKee and Jackson about Bakelite scholarship. [[/red underline]] Thus far no suitable candidate.
Evening home for supper.
[[red underline]] Celine's knee [[/red underline]] will keep her in bed for several days more but I am told the matter is not grave.
[[red underline]] Nina's baby also called Celine Roll, [[/red underline]] is a lusty healthy infant and looks every bit
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as [[red underline]] George Baekeland looked when he was born and I acted as nurse for him that cold winter day [[/red underline]] when the nurse was prevented by a blizzard to come to the house and the fire went out and everything froze in the house and I had to assist Dr. Flagg and take care of little George until next morning a kind neighbour Mrs. Pierce ^[[wife of our neighbor]] helped me wash the baby on that occasion.
Nov.16. Dictating belated correspondence
Then went to [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] to discuss method of laying up for winter. [[red underline]] Spent most of the day playing with that little grandchild of mine and sent a [[strikethrough]] chet [[/strikethrough]] telegram to George Baekeland that I intend to visit them about [[/red underline]] Christmas, also sent him check for $500
Nov.17. Went to Newark for conference with [[red underline]] Burroughs, [[/red underline]] Fuller and Rossi about