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[[red underline]] University Club [[/red underline]]
November 20. Here all day. [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] Except two hours spent [[red underline]] on Ion. [[strikethrough]] working on [[/strikethrough]] trying sails. [[/red underline]]  Then evening to [[red underline]] Century [[/red underline]] Club with George Roll to listen to a lecture on Burns.
Nov 21. (Sunday). Conference from 3 P.M. to 8 P.M. with [[red underline]] May, Burroughs, [[/red underline]] Swan 
[[vertical black pencil line in left margin]]
and Fuller on present condition and future policy of Dane Molding Co. 
[[/vertical black pencil line]]
A very active discussion where we all came to about same conclusions [[red underline]] except May and Swan [[/red underline]] differing in certain details of policy.
Not a minute lost and [[strikethrough]] g [[/strikethrough]] everybody keen and giving good advice. See my letter on this subject to Fuller - a resume of our conclusions.
Afterwards took them
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all for [[red underline]] supper to Columbia University [[/red underline]] Club. Afterwards I went to University Club where I had a very interesting talk with Oudin, [[red underline]] Bridges, [[/red underline]] and Oscar Crosby on current subjects.
Nov 22. Here all day. A very busy day with many matters.
Nov.23. Went to meet Hamman [[red underline]] Schleussner [[/red underline]] & Roessler at their office to explain situation of [[red underline]] Dane Molding [[/red underline]] Co and conclusions we had arrived at.
They all [[red underline]] entirely agree [[/red underline]] with my attitude in matter of molds and other conclusions as submitted.
Then went to Chemists Club for lunch where had meeting with Pritchard who wants $20000 for his company to permit further introduction of their still.  Told him was not interested in it personally as a business proposition but would