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almost a steady monologue some very interesting point of view which I would hesitate to accept without further investigations. Went to Metropolitan Art Museum with him to fetch his daughters, and incidentally met Prof. Seligman of Columbia, then in mean time his daughters got home alone. At Belmont found [[red underline]] Julius Phillipi [[/red underline]] trying in vain to get room. Put him up at Chemists Club then took him for dinner at University Club. On driving home Lewis tells me [[red underline]] Ion is finally [[/red underline]] on the ways.
Nov 28 (Sunday) All morning discussing situation of Dane Molding Co with George Roll. Also interview with [[red underline]] De Muth [[/red underline]] here who reports about his visit to Europe. Says [[red underline]] Germany [[/red underline]] is organising systematically its industries and 
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willing to pay indemnity if not put impossibly high.  If impossibly high prefers to go in bankruptcy. In [[red underline]] Vienna and Austria people get along heedlessly spent [[/red underline]] what little they have nobody pays his debts and Government cannot even collect taxes. Nevertheless superficial aspect of Vienna is [[red underline]] gay and theatres ^[[and restaurants]] are crowded every night. [[/red underline]]
Afternoon [[red underline]] Phillipi [[/red underline]] here for dinner.
Nov 29. [[red underline]] George Roll [[/red underline]] left early to make inventory appraisal at Dane. Busy all day with tax returns and financial matters. Lewis at Ion taking out clutch.
I feel nervous and very tired.
Nov 30. Got appraisal inventory from [[red underline]] Dane Mfg Co. [[/red underline]] and worked at subject with G.R.
Went to see arriving of house