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Dec 4. All men still at work on house over Ion.  Went to see [[red underline]] Takamine and Dr. Wooyenaka [[/red underline]] and explained to them why this is not the [[red underline]] propitious time [[/red underline]] for making definite arrangements with his company in Tokio [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] and Bakelite Co. Explained him embroiled European situation, rapidly changing business conditions here.  [[red underline]] No time to give to train or instruct any Japanese chemist in our processes. [[/red underline]] Furthermore cannot afford at this time to jeopardize our own position when we have to rely on [[red underlilne]] secret processes [[/red underline]] which we intend to use as soon as [[red underline]] German [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] a Fren [[/strikethrough]] competition begins, told him to go ahead but without our aid
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and do justice to bakelite trade mark by turning out [[strikethrough]] good [[/strikethrough]] only good articles. That later on when matters had settled somewhat it would be plenty of time to go in all the red tape and complications of a definite contract acceptable to both of us. That in the mean time the [[red underline]] game is not worth the candle. [[/red underline]] Afternoon went to [[red underline]] Ampere [[/red underline]] N.J. to the celebration of 100th anniversary of the formulation of the laws of ampere [[strikethrough]] Wh at [[/strikethrough]] all this arranged by the [[red underline]] Crocker Wheeler [[/red underline]] Co at their works. [[red underline]] Wheeler as clumsy and stupid as ever. Pupin [[/red underline]] made good speech. [[red underline]] Mailloux [[/red underline]] egocentric as ever 
Kept on reading a rambling essay taking up all the avai-