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Lake Shore at 6:30 P.M.
Dec. 20. 1920  Tedious monotonous ride as ever.  Some snow.  [[red underline]] Gray bleak landscape. [[/red underline]] Ill kept towns etc. Afternoon compelled to stop in Chicago to change trains. [[red underline]] Same cheerless place. [[/red underline]] Went to Blackstone Hotel for supper in Grill Room,  Prices higher [[red underline]] than ever.  Savage music as Jass-Band [[/red underline]] for dancing drove me away in the cold street then to movies, then loitering around untill could get in train to continue reading Will ^[[insertion]] Durant's [[/insertion]] Outline of history
Dec 21.  Snowy monotonous landscape thru Iowa and 
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Nebraska.  Compelled to wait one hour in windy cheerless Omaha.
Dec. 22.  Train one hour late.  Very cold.  George B. at Station then to Brown Palace Hotel where had lunch together.
Afternoon went to Golden.  Lovely locality enclosed in mountain ranges all covered with fine snow.  [[red underline]] George's house very pretty bungalow [[/red underline]], pinkish brick and prettily furnished inside and very comfortable.  [[red underline]] Cornelia [[/red underline]] was playing with her [[red underline]] child an unusually pretty [[/red underline]] and cheerful little creature.  Blue eyed, fair haired and rosy cheeks full of life and cheerfulness.  Returned by trolley car.  Cold weather about zero Fahrenheit.  Room in hotel is quite comfortable except